Perle Fine

Perle Fine News: The Women of 9th Street, July  2, 2019 - Laura Joseph Mogil for WAG Lifestyle

The Women of 9th Street

July 2, 2019 - Laura Joseph Mogil for WAG Lifestyle

We are very exhibited about this amazing exhibition opening in September at the Katonah Museum. Perle Fine and Yvonne Thomas are included along with Lee Krasner, Helen Frankenthaler and so in.

Join us for the opening in September!

While it’s only July, some things are worth waiting a few months for. One such example is the upcoming exhibition, “Sparkling Amazons: Abstract Expressionist Women of the 9th Street Show” at the Katonah Museum of Art.

Opening on Oct. 6 and continuing through Jan. 26, 2020, “Sparkling Amazons” will present the often overlooked contributions by female artists to the Abstract Expressionist movement and the significant role these women played as bold innovators within the New York School during the 1940s and ’50s. 

Michele Wije, the show’s curator and associate curator at the Katonah museum, says, “Our staff was looking at past exhibitions that changed the course of art history and one of the main ones in America was the ‘9th Street Show,’ which was a kind of ‘Salon des Refusés’ for New York artists who were being shut out of exhibition spaces in the uptown galleries and whose artwork was not being purchased by museums.” 

Wije said the museum decided to give their upcoming exhibition a unique spin by focusing on the 12 women featured in “9th Street Show,” which took place in 1951 and was organized by then fledgling gallerist Leo Castelli. 

Perle Fine News: Berry Campbell Included in 47th Annual Kips Bay Decorator Showhouse, May  2, 2019 - Berry Campbell

Berry Campbell Included in 47th Annual Kips Bay Decorator Showhouse

May 2, 2019 - Berry Campbell

47th Kips Bay Decorator Showhouse
May 2nd - May 30th
More Information

Berry Campbell collaborated with Robert Passal Interior Design and Daniel Kahan of Smith and Moore Architects as well as Sarah Bartholomew Design in the Kips Bay Decorator Showhouse, supplying works by Eric DeverPerle Fine, and Stephen Pace.

Each year, celebrated interior designers transform a magnificent estate into an elegant exhibition of fine furnishings, art and technology. This all began in 1973 when several dedicated supporters of Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club launched the Kips Bay Decorator Show House in Manhattan to raise critical funds for much needed after school and enrichment programs for New York City children. For more than four decades, the show house has been a must-see event for thousands of design enthusiasts, renowned for sparking interior design trends throughout the world. In 2017, the show house expanded with a second location in Palm Beach, in partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County.

Perle Fine News: Clara Eagle Gallery Features the Women of the American Abstract Artists Movement, October 22, 2018 - Tracy Ross & Melanie David for WKMS Murray State's NPR Station

Clara Eagle Gallery Features the Women of the American Abstract Artists Movement

October 22, 2018 - Tracy Ross & Melanie David for WKMS Murray State's NPR Station

The American Abstract Artist movement was founded in 1936 in New York City, at a time when abstract art was met with strong critical resistance. Women played an integral part in forming the AAA, and Murray State's Clara M. Eagle gallery is housing an exhibit that honors these groundbreaking female artists. Emily Berger, an abstract artist featured in the exhibit, and T. Michael Martin, director of university galleries, visit Sounds Good to discuss the traveling exhibit. 

The Murray State University Galleries and the department of art and design present Blurring Boundaries: Continuity to Change - The Women of AAA 1936-2018through the beginning of November. In the first exhibition dedicated exlusively to the intergenerational group of women artists of American Abstract Artists, Blurring Boundaries traces the history of AAA's female founding members through present-day artists. The exhibition highlights approximately 45 works, emphasizing each artist's approach to central tenents of abstraction - composition, color, content, and material. Well-known founders and early members of AAA, such as Perle Fine, Esphyr Slobodkina, Gertrude Greene, Alice Trumbull Mason (featured above), and I. Rice Pereira, are included in the exhibit. Their classic works will be displayed beside contemporary abstract artists such as Sharon Brant, Merrill Wagner, Cecily Kahn, Alice Adams, and Emily Berger.

Perle Fine News: The State of Art: Ground Zero Looks Back at 2 Decades of Visual Art, August 21, 2018 - L. Kent Wolgamott for Lincoln Journal Star

The State of Art: Ground Zero Looks Back at 2 Decades of Visual Art

August 21, 2018 - L. Kent Wolgamott for Lincoln Journal Star

This list of 20 Includes exhibitions in Lincoln, Omaha, Des Moines, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and New York. I saw the latter three when I was one of 12 American fellows in the International Arts Journalism Institute in Visual Art in 2009.

“Now’s The Time,” Sheldon Museum of Art, 2017

There were multiple Sheldon shows drawn from its collection that I considered for this list. I ended up choosing the one that is most in my wheelhouse — "Now’s The Time,” an exhibition of Sheldon’s abstract expressionist works conceived by director and chief curator Wally Mason after “Yellow Band,” the museum’s Mark Rothko masterwork was exhibited in an AE survey in London and Bilbao, Spain.

A who’s who of mid-century artists, the smartly hung show included works by Barnett Newman, Han Hoffman, Robert Motherwell, Clyfford Still, Willem deKooning, Franz Kline, Jackson Pollock, Philip Guston, Lee Krasner along with newly acquired works by Judith Godwin and Perle Fine. That’s an impressive lineup for any museum, particularly a university museum in the middle of the country.

Perle Fine News: Perle Fine/Margaret Louppe: New York/Paris, December 13, 2017 - Rose-Carol Washton Long for Delicious Line

Perle Fine/Margaret Louppe: New York/Paris

December 13, 2017 - Rose-Carol Washton Long for Delicious Line

The pairing of the painters Perle Fine and Marguerite Louppe opens corresponding windows on two vibrant art scenes of the 20th century: New York's AbEx, and Paris from the 1930s to the '60s. They were remarkable colorists, Louppe with her geometric, purist landscapes and still lifes in rich earth tones, and Fine with her luminous Prescience series.

Perle Fine News: Perle Fine/Marguerite Louppe: New York/Paris , October 26, 2017 - Curated by William Corwin

Perle Fine/Marguerite Louppe: New York/Paris

October 26, 2017 - Curated by William Corwin

The exhibition contrasts the lives of two women painters, one working in New York and the other across the Atlantic in Paris, who lived and were active for the same period of time, existing in the parallel art worlds of abstract painters and modernist Paris. Louppe lived from 1902-1988 and Fine from 1905-1988. The exhibition will place emphasis on the artists’ work; their style, use of material and aesthetic inspirations, accompanied by a consideration of the art scenes they emerged from and contributed to so vibrantly.

Perle Fine News: When Artists Ran the Show: ‘Inventing Downtown,’ at N.Y.U., January 12, 2017 - Holland Cotter for the New York Times

When Artists Ran the Show: ‘Inventing Downtown,’ at N.Y.U.

January 12, 2017 - Holland Cotter for the New York Times

When a call went out online recently for an art world protest strike — “no work, no school, no business” — on Inauguration Day, more than 200 artists, most based in New York, many well known, quickly signed on. In numbers, they represent a mere fraction of the present art world, and there was reason to expect the list would grow. By contrast, in New York in the 1950s, 200 artists pretty much were that world, and one divided into several barely tangent circles.    


Perle Fine Featured in The East Hampton Star

February 12, 2015 - Mark Segal

The Berry Campbell Gallery in Chelsea will hold an opening tonight from 6 to 8 of an exhibition of work by Perle Fine, an Abstract Expressionist painter who lived in Springs from 1954 until her death in 1988. The show will remain on view through March 14.

Perle Fine News: Perle Fine featured on Hamptons Art Hub, February 12, 2015 - Sage Cotignola for Hamptons Art Hub

Perle Fine featured on Hamptons Art Hub

February 12, 2015 - Sage Cotignola for Hamptons Art Hub

“PERLE FINE” has a solo exhibition beginning February 12 at Berry Campbell in Chelsea. An Opening Reception takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. The exhibition continues through March 14. Perle Fine was at the forefront of the Abstract Expressionist movement in NYC and East Hampton, NY.


Berry Campbell to Feature Paintings of Perle Fine (1905-1988)

February 5, 2015 - ArtFix Daily

Berry Campbell is pleased to announce its first exhibition of the paintings of PERLE FINE (1905-1988). The exhibition will include eighteen important paintings and works on paper from the 1950s through the 1970s, including a several paintings from the “Cool Series,” 1961-1963.  Berry Campbell announced its representation of the artist last month.  The exhibition will be showcased at Berry Campbell on West 24th Street in Chelsea from February 12 through March 14, 2015.